Keep you and your family safe from the impacts of air and noise pollution! Keep in mind that everyone’s health is different, so make the choices that work best for your body. Youth, elders, and pregnant people, experience greater health impacts from air and noise pollution. Community members with existing health concerns such as heart conditions, heart disease, and asthma also experience greater health impacts. To make more informed decisions about your health, you can find see the air quality (AQI) where you check the weather. You can also look up air quality levels at
If the air outside is poor:

Close your windows
and doors
Caulk or tape your windows and doors to stop bad air from coming in

Use portable air cleaners
Use HEPA filters and replace them every year
Use air purifiers that fit the size of your space
Place the air filter where you spend the most time. At night, this is likely where you sleep!
If the air outside is poor:

Wear a mask
Your mask should fit tight against your face with minimal leaking around the edges
N99, N95, KN95 masks give you the best protection
Take care when buying masks to avoid counterfeits

Avoid major sources of pollution
If you can, avoid major sources of pollution which include:
Wildfire smoke
Cars and trucks
Factories or industrial activity
Take extra care if you’re exercising!
Noise pollution can lead to heart problems, chronic stress, loss of sleep, and poor school performance

Use caulk to seal windows and doors so noise doesn’t come in

Insulate your home with double paned windows

Chose places with less noise pollution and sleep farthest away from sources of noise

Wear earplugs or noise canceling earphones
Air pollution is worst on busy streets and highways, in traffic, and next to trucks

Turn on your air conditioner to recirculation mode

Close your car windows

Turn on your air Use high efficiency air filters and change them often to recirculation mode